SeisComP3 FDSNWS Station Web Service
The station Web service provides access to network, station, channel and
response metadata in FDSN Station
XML format. The metadata may be filtered e.g. by geographic region and
time, also the information depth level is selectable. The
request type is HTTP-GET. Please refer to
for a complete service description.
Available URLs
Feature Notes
- back-end software: SeisComP3
- updatedafter request parameter not implemented: The last
modification time in SeisComP is tracked on the object level. If a child
of an object is updated the update time is not propagated to all parents.
In order to check if a station was updated all children must be evaluated
recursively. This operation would be much to expensive.
- additional request parameters, effective only for xml output:
- formatted: boolean, default: false
- additional values of request parameters:
- format
- standard: [xml, text]
- additional: [fdsnxml (=xml), stationxml, sc3ml]
- default: xml